Friday, May 11, 2012

Abortion: Should it be legal?

I believe that the decision in Roe v. Wade was a good one. Women should have a right to privacy up to a point. Dividing a woman's pregnancy into trimesters seems like a good way to decide when the woman's rights start to become less important than the baby's rights. In the first trimester a woman has a right to privacy and an abortion is legal. This seems fair to me. It is the woman's body and life so that makes the decision of whether or not to have the baby her decision and hers alone. In the second trimester it is up to each individual state on whether abortion is legal or not, but the baby starts to get more rights which is reasonable because the baby is being more and more developed. In the third trimester the baby's rights become more important than the mother's rights so it is illegal to have an abortion and I completely support that. It seems wrong to have an abortion when the baby is so close to being born. It is like killing a human life, which is equivalent to murder and it is cruel.


Tavar said...

Why is abortion wrong in the third trimester but not the first? Why do you consider it murder and cruel in the last trimester only? The definition of something living includes the ability to grow, which is exactly what is going on inside a woman who is pregnant. An abortion ceases the growing process, therefore ending the future life of a human being. This little being may not start off with a heartbeat or brain activity, but cells are still dividing and allowing it to grow.
According to the definition of life, abortion is murder, and that is why it is wrong.

Anonymous said...

Interesting, considering you were a serial bomber.

You are what you hate. In the end, you hated yourself, and you killed it. Congrats

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, you are posting on a classmate's blog, not Conditt's.